Opioid Detox Program in Utah – Resilience Health

Opioid detox is extremely difficult, due to the intense and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, however it is not impossible. Undergoing medical treatment for opioid addiction requires that the drug of abuse (oxycodone, fentanyl, heroin, etc.) is removed from the body. These substances interfere with clear thought, communication and emotional states that are critical to a rehabilitative process that enhances a person’s life without dependence on opioids. Because patients can experience withdrawal symptoms during opioid detox, our opioid detox treatment is managed 100% by licensed medical providers.

Opioid withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Jitters
  • Restlessness
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Headaches

The Resilience Health opioid detox program are treatment methods of an extended taper over 21 days along with medication monitoring and support throughout the detox process allow patients to be kept as comfortable as possible while experiencing withdrawal.

What is the opioid detox process?

All patients will go through the detox process. Through the use of prescription medications we help make this process more comfortable, an easier process to endure and most importantly a higher sobriety success rate. 

  • Patients will stop taking the opioid of abuse for a certain number of hours depending on each opioid. 
  • At the correct time, providers will start a medical treatment prescription customized to each patient's body. 
  • Our physicians and nurse practitioners will guide you through this process. 
  • Within 4-5 days, all withdrawal symptoms will be resolved and the dose tapering process will begin. 
  • Each patient's dose of medication will be slowly reduced over three weeks until a comfortable maintenance dose is reached.

Is opioid detox safe?

Yes, however withdrawing from opioids should be done under medical supervision. When done without medical treatment, it can be very uncomfortable and even dangerous due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances possibly resulting in cardiac failure. Our opioid detox program uses a medication called buprenorphine to make withdrawal more comfortable. Buprenorphine is a safe and reliable way to treat withdrawal and long term addiction.

Who is a good candidate for an opioid detox program?

Unfortunately, not everyone suffering from alcohol addiction or drug addiction is a great candidate for detox, inasmuch as loved ones want them to be. So, who is a good candidate for addiction and substance abuse treatment? 

Heavy drug or alcohol users are often good candidates for substance abuse treatment because detox is designed to help safely manage withdrawal symptoms when stopping the use of the substance. Candidates who are mentally and emotionally willing and motivated to change their lives often experience the most successful detox process.

The best candidates are in good physical health, as some underlying health conditions can be worsened by detoxification. Those with a strong support system of family, friends, or professional network make the best candidates.

How should you prepare for an opioid detox program?

Preparing to enter an opioid detox treatment program means preparing for withdrawal symptoms by understanding upfront what you might experience and how it will be managed. You should also consider arranging for time off during both the detox and the initial stages of recovery, as the process can be physically and emotionally taxing. However our program is meant to allow you to continue living your life, while rehabilitating from drug abuse. 

Additionally, set up your support system by telling close family members and friends about your plan and creating a support plan together. Because detox can be mentally challenging, you must prepare for fluctuations in your mental health not to be caught off-guard. Of course, planning for aftercare is also critical, as detox is just the first step in the journey to recovery. Finally, pack necessary personal items to make you feel more at ease. Remember to make legal or professional arrangements, such as informing your workplace and arranging care for dependents.

Myths about opioid detox

There are seemingly endless myths and misconceptions surrounding detoxification from opioids. Here are the 3 most important ones you need to know the truth about opioid detox:

Myth 1: Detox is a Quick Fix for Drug Addiction or Alcohol Addiction
Opioid Detox is only the first step in addiction treatment. It's a long-term process that requires ongoing therapy and lifestyle changes at a minimum for success.

Myth 2: Detox is Safe to Do at Home
Depending on the substance and level of dependency, detox can be dangerous at home without medical supervision due to the severity of withdrawal symptoms. It is best always to seek out medical help when it comes to detoxing. Quitting cold turkey is rare and is oftentimes incredibly difficult to accomplish.

Myth 3: Detox Must Involve Complete Abstinence
In some cases, graduation reduction or medically assisted detox is safer and more effective.

What are symptoms of opioid withdrawal?

How can you recognize that it's time for you or a loved one to detox? Start by considering how you stack up to this list of indicators of an opioid addiction:

  • Physical dependence: Experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, sweating, or headaches when not using the substance are signs that it is time to detox.
  • Increased tolerance: Having an increased tolerance means needing more of the substance to achieve the same effect.
  • Loss of usage control: When it's challenging to control when, how much, or how often you use the substance.
  • Continued use despite negative consequences: When usage continues, even after adverse health, social, legal, or financial consequences result.
  • Withdrawal from social activities: When substance usage results in social and relationship problems, including withdrawal from hobbies and favorite activities or engagement in risk behaviors, it's time to consider detox.

Contact Us

If you are ready to detox but are not sure if you can do it by yourself, Resilience Health is here to help! Contact us at 435-261-7878 to schedule your appointment today.

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